Post 4 lip 2010, o 21:10

"The Intimate Ape"

Ostatnio odrobinę czytałam o orangutanach, rzuciłam okiem na internet i znalazłam taką książkę:


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29 January 2010 - Seattle, WA & Kamloops, BC, Canada. Author Shawn Thompson spent nine years devoted to writing his most recent book, "The Initimate Ape", to be published 1 March in North America (April in the UK and May in Australia). During that time, he made numerous trips to Southeast Asia, the United States, and Europe to view orangutans and interview orangutan researchers, conservationists, zookeepers and others who have intimate details in the lives of these most elusive apes. The final product is a rich literary portrait of three species of primates that is both illuminating and provocative - challenging the way most people might think about their own identity as human beings.

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