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Imagine no religion

PostNapisane: 12 gru 2010, o 12:00
przez K.Biernacka
Phil Zuckerman: "Imagine no religion"

Imagine a place where almost no one ever goes to church, the majority of people do not believe in God, and among those who do, their belief is fairly watery and thin. Imagine a society where people see Jesus as perhaps a nice man who taught some nice things, but was certainly not a miracle-performing son of any god. Try to conceive of a modern corner of the world where religion has virtually no place in politics, almost everyone accepts the evidence supporting evolution, almost everyone knows that the Bible was written by humans and not the divine, and nearly everyone understands that morals and values exist independently of religion. In such a culture, religion is so weak, marginal, and downright quaint that people aren't even anti-religious. They're just indifferent and perhaps uninterested. 

But you don't actually have to imagine too hard -- just hop on a plane to Denmark. Such a secular haven really exists, in the here and now. Contemporary Denmark is indeed one of the least religious countries in the world, and possibly in the history of the world.(...)
The bike lanes here in secular Scandinavia are wide and safe, and I am happily stunned each day, as I bike to and from work, at how the cars readily give bike riders the right of way, rather than the finger. There are no homeless people, begging in the streets. The bread is devastatingly good, as is the jam. And the yogurt. I could go on and on.

But my own personal experiences aside, one can simply look at the sociological facts: on nearly every standard measure and nearly every international index, from economic well-being to educational attainment, from low violent crime rates to low unemployment rates, from quality of life to happiness and life satisfaction, this religion-lite land is among the best on earth.

Tylko ze stosunkiem do zwierząt pozaludzkich dalej jest podobny kłopot jak w innych krajach. Duńskie prawo nie różni się w kwestii dozwolenia powszechnej przemocy wobec zwierząt w ramach eksploatacji na różne produkty do ludzkiej konsumpcji, ale również zezwala na dodatkowe dręczenie zwierząt w związku z przekonaniami religijnymi.

Re: Imagine no religion

PostNapisane: 14 gru 2010, o 07:18
przez AdamZ
K.Biernacka napisał(a):Phil Zuckerman: "Imagine no religion"

Imagine a place where almost no one ever goes to church, the majority of people do not believe in God, and among those who do, their belief is fairly watery and thin. Imagine a society where people see Jesus as perhaps a nice man who taught some nice things, but was certainly not a miracle-performing son of any god. Try to conceive of a modern corner of the world where religion has virtually no place in politics, almost everyone accepts the evidence supporting evolution, almost everyone knows that the Bible was written by humans and not the divine, and nearly everyone understands that morals and values exist independently of religion. In such a culture, religion is so weak, marginal, and downright quaint that people aren't even anti-religious. They're just indifferent and perhaps uninterested. 

But you don't actually have to imagine too hard -- just hop on a plane to Denmark. Such a secular haven really exists, in the here and now. Contemporary Denmark is indeed one of the least religious countries in the world, and possibly in the history of the world.(...)
The bike lanes here in secular Scandinavia are wide and safe, and I am happily stunned each day, as I bike to and from work, at how the cars readily give bike riders the right of way, rather than the finger. There are no homeless people, begging in the streets. The bread is devastatingly good, as is the jam. And the yogurt. I could go on and on.

But my own personal experiences aside, one can simply look at the sociological facts: on nearly every standard measure and nearly every international index, from economic well-being to educational attainment, from low violent crime rates to low unemployment rates, from quality of life to happiness and life satisfaction, this religion-lite land is among the best on earth.

Tylko ze stosunkiem do zwierząt pozaludzkich dalej jest podobny kłopot jak w innych krajach. Duńskie prawo nie różni się w kwestii dozwolenia powszechnej przemocy wobec zwierząt w ramach eksploatacji na różne produkty do ludzkiej konsumpcji, ale również zezwala na dodatkowe dręczenie zwierząt w związku z przekonaniami religijnymi.

I to martwi. Przyznam że ja , może nawet niesłusznie, ale jednak dosyć ściśle wiąże weg*anizm z agnostycyzmem/ateizmem. Wspólne są: sceptycyzm i brak antropocentryzmu - bo już człowiek nie jest zbudowany na podobieństwo boga. Jak widać w Danii nie potwierdza się to zupełnie, to jeden z najbardziej "mięsożernych" krajów na świecie. Może Filip jak kiedyś tu zajrzy to opowie jak to dokładnie wygląda.